新垣 美羽
「The correlation between Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc. Mutation Prevalence Table and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer patients in Okinawa」
玉城 研太朗
「The correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and breast cancer both premenopausal and menopausal women in Okinawa」
「A non-invasive modality the US virtual touch tissue quantification (VTTQ) for evaluation of breast cancer」
玉城 研太朗
「A non-invasive modality with potential for evaluation of breast cancerpathology: The usefulness of the US Virtual Touch Tissue Quantification(VTTQ) for breast tissue.」
上原 協
新垣 美羽
St.Gallen 2013(平成25年3月/スイス)
玉城 研太朗
「Analysis of clinically relevant values of Ki-67 labeling index in Japanese breast cancer patients.」
「The correlation between mammographic findings and the corresponding histopathology.」
玉城 研太朗
「Challenge to reduce breast cancer mortality: Consensus of the 1st OkinawaBreast Oncology Meeting.」
Breast Cancer Overview Map Meeting 2013(平成25年1月/東京)